Dec 10, 2018

Why Should I Learn How To Practice Ancestor Veneration?

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

Who are your Ancestors?

Do you know them? What they looked like, and what their behavioral traits were?

To understand your ancestors, you must first know their history and characteristics because part of ancestor veneration is remembering their personalities. When we honor our ancestors, we celebrate their personalities and Ori (head), which is linked to their character and behavior.

Knowing your ancestors means understanding the bloodlines (mother and father's side of the family) you come from. You are an extension of your family tree. You not only represent yourself, but you represent a long line of ancestors who came before you. They are a part of you, and you are genetically connected. Were your ancestors business people who owned markets and dealt in trade? Were your ancestors' educators, politicians, priests, and of royal blood? Were your ancestors' musicians, poets, philosophers, or farmers? To know who your ancestors were, you must investigate through the divinatory system of Ifa called An Ancestors Roots Divination Consultation.

What language do the ancestors speak?

The ancestors speak the language of their culture, so it's essential to know where your ancestors came from and understand how they communicate. Knowing the different types of foods they liked, their customs, and traditions will help you make that spiritual connection with them and understand them better.


Having a social order is very important in African culture. It helps to maintain the social structures, institutions, relationships, customs, values, and practices of one's culture and family traditions.

Where do the ancestors live?

When the ancestors leave this physical plane, they go to the invisible spiritual realm called Orun (heaven). Our ancestors did not see heaven as being up; instead, they saw heaven as being all around. Most of all, our ancestors live in our minds and hearts. When we think about them, talk about them, and mimic some of their ways, we honor them and allow them to be part of our space. Our ancestors are always with us, "so where do your ancestors live" well, they live within us and are genetically linked to us as well, which lets you know that your ancestors are with you every moment and every day.

How do the ancestors help us?

Our ancestors hold a significant influence over us. The more we learn about them, the more we learn about ourselves. Our ancestors are a source of inspiration and protection. They look after us and continue to inspire us to do the right things in life.


Our ancestors have left behind moral principles for us to follow, and if we follow those principles, we will live long and gain prosperity, wealth, and general-well being. The more we honor and connect with our ancestors, the stronger we become, the more grounded and stable we become, and the more unified we become with our families, communities, and societies.


When Do you appease your ancestors?

Appeasing our ancestors is an everyday ritual. Whether you go before your ancestor's shrine to pray, give offerings, give gifts, etc., appeasing them is very important.


In the IFA tradition, we appease our ancestors every day by going to their shrines and giving water and prayer to them. When we eat, we set a portion of food aside for them, whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner. We appease them by allowing them to eat with us. You may change the ancestral waters on the shrine daily and allow your children to be involved with doing the same. This helps to acknowledgment the process and spiritual connection. Another way we appease our ancestors is when we do charitable things in our communities, the ancestors love when their children are performing great deeds for humanity. Not only does it shows a reflection of your character, but it shows a reflection of their character as well. Appeasing your ancestor brings many blessings of victory, financial empowerment, good health, progress, and most of all, harmony, happiness, and balance.


How do I begin the process of connecting with my ancestors?

It is important to set up a basic Ancestors shrine or altar to show acknowledgment of your ancestors. For example, you may get a Table, a white cloth, 9 glasses of water, pictures of deceased family members, A plate of food, or any items that your ancestors liked. You should then make an appointment with An appointment will be made by a representative for you to have consultation with a Professional Babalawo or Iyanifa IFA Priest Diviner for an Ancestral Roots Divination.

What things will I find out during my Ancestors Divination?

You will learn where your ancestors came from pre-Atlantic Slave trade. You will learn who, what, how they lived, what the family taboos were, if there was a family curse that needed to be broken, who they worshiped and what family traditions they practiced before colonialism, what side of the family you are from predominantly, and much more investigation.

How do I begin the process of connecting with my ancestors?

It is important to set up a basic Ancestors shrine or altar to show acknowledgment of your ancestors. For example, you may get a Table a white cloth ,9 glasses of water, pictures of deceased family members. A plate of food or any items that your ancestors liked. You should then make an appointment with An appointment will be made by a representative for you to have consultation with a Professional Babalawo or Iyanifa IFA Priest Diviner for a Ancestral Roots Divination.

What things will I find out during my Ancestors Divination?

You will learn where your ancestors came from pre-Atlantic Slave trade, you will learn who, what, how they lived, what the family taboo’ were, if there was a family curse that needs to be broken, who they worshiped and what family traditions they practiced before colonialism, what side of the family you are from predominantly and much more investigation.

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