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IFA Global Online HMHP Inc

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Do you agree By ticking this box I agree and understand the importance that once I have an IFA Divination consultation, I must adhere to the necessary ebos appeasements to IFA Orisa and my ancestors as professionally prescribed by the knowledge and wisdom of IFA , derived from personal consultation in efforts to bring solutions to what IFA says. I acknowledge I cannot do ebos by myself only as instructed by a trained certified IFA priest Babalawo and Iyanifa . Only an IFA Priest can do my ebos on my behalf as instructed by IFA.

Show your Appreciation towards our Outreach Programs , IFA Global Team IFA Priests and IFA Global VolunteerAdministration Team who devotee there lives daily to helping to take care of the global communities and solve human problems in the name of IFA.
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We're happy to see people from all over the world seek Ifa to help guide them into walking their true path. Are you next?